Thursday, December 2, 2021

Spring Valley Reserve Walk - October 2021

This was the last of my seemingly never ending mediocre Covid Lockdown walks for the 2021 lockdown season. There will no doubt be other mediocre walks that pop up on my blog however hopefully that'll be more to do with apathy than lockdowns (we'll see how Omicron affects that prediction!). More than most other offerings on my blog these Covid Walks are really just to document this time in my life, I doubt that many people will have got much enjoyment out of them - fuck, I barely enjoyed a lot of them!

Spring Valley Reserve - we'd had a bit of rain recently in Melbourne.

Yep, this another of my seemingly endless series of mediocre Covid Lockdown walks. Hopefully by the time I slot this one up on my blog we may finally be released again to travel within the state and I'll be able to waffle on about some decent walks - although Melbourne's next Lockdown Season is fast approaching again so who knows. This little stroll was one I found on Alltrails and it came in at around 1.8 kilometres on the website, although after arriving at the designated start point in the Spring Valley Reserve we found it fenced off, so plan A went out the window. Now my first reaction was to say "fuck it, I'm going home to spend another day watching You Tube hiking videos" however while I was looking for somewhere to chuck a uey I arrived at a parking area at the north end of the Spring Valley Reserve and noticed that it wasn't fenced off - game on!

There is plenty of parking at the start of this walk.

After re-setting the GPS Sam and I meandered off into the small park to see what we could see. First off this morning we headed east as I tried to intercept the route described in Alltrails, although any thoughts of picking up that route were once again stymied by a two metre hight fence across the path. Feeling a little underwhelmed by the whole situation Sam and I decided to cross the top of the park and head over to Springvale Road to check out a couple of temples - figuring that this was as close as Sam and I would get to visiting any South East Asian cities for around the next decade. 

I've given up on lugging my DSLR around on these Covid walks so I was experimenting a little with my phone camera this morning.

A fair chunk of the park was closed off (including the Alltrails walk).

My trail runners wetted out on the wet grass this morning - I'm still not convinced that trail runners  should be the go to footwear of choice for me.

We really just walked a figure 8 of this park.

This is as close to Asia as I'll be getting for awhile I'm thinking.

Once we'd done the tourist thing at the temples (I'm not sure if anyone can tell but I'm not even bothering to take the DSLR on these Covid Walks anymore) I slotted the phone back into my pocket and we started to make our way back up towards the ute again. After noticing some free range Bin Chickens in the distance we decided to make the stroll into a figure 8 and head over and check then out. Unfortunately the Bin Chickens were both too smart and too fast for this fat Feral Walker and all our detour really achieved was to add a bit of distance to the stroll and wet out my trail runners on the soggy grass (cue the tail runners versus boots argument). After unsuccessfully stalking the birds Sam and I crossed over our outwards route and climbed very gently west, checking out a big few puddles along the way (yes, it was that kind of walk!), before swinging across the grass and heading the last few minutes back to the ute. Now normally I'd waffle on about now about how I enjoyed the drive home with that euphoric feeling that I get after finishing another great walk, well I did drive home after a walk today - although euphoria and greatness were not thoughts that came to mind this morning.

It was a grey old morning in Spring Valley Reserve.

I stalked the Bin Chickens for awhile - although they were too smart and too quick for me!

Heading back up to the car park.

Spring Valley Reserve.

Spring Valley Reserve.

The Dirt.
According to my GPS I walked around 1.7 kilometres and climbed about 11 metres on this very easy stroll. Now I've bagged out this stroll a bit and it is indeed a fairly mundane walk however if this reserve is within your Covid Lockdown zone then it is a spot of open space to stretch your legs for awhile (or let the ankle biters go free range for awhile - there is a playground at the carpark at the start of the walk). I found this park on Alltrails although the walk on the website is currently closed. Google Maps will get people around this walk safely.

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Arriving back at the car park we checked out the small native garden.

Spring Valley Reserve.

The native birds seem to be enjoying the small native garden section of the park.

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